Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Funkin Wanee Part 3 -- Tower of Power, Les Claypool

Tower of Power back in the day

Tower of Power is the band who asked -- and answered --- the question "What Is Hip?" in 1973, and 40 years later, they are still answering it.

When you're talking power horns, you've got to talk Tower of Power. This California band was formed back in 1970, and at least 60 different musicians have  played with the band over the last four decades.

You can catch Tower of Power at Wanee from 5:15-6:30 Saturday at the Mushroom Stage.

Now onto killer bassist Les Claypool -- a longtime hard rock musician, but I'm going to put him on our funk roster here 'cause we all know he can slap the hell outta that bass -- just check him out in the second video posted below.

Claypool plays with his Duo De Twang Band 3-4:30 pm Friday at Wanee on the Mushroom Stage, right after the excellent Jaimoe's Jasssz Band.

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